Tuesday 26 February 2008

momento religioso

es domingo, no he dormido mucho y me gustaria quedarme en la cama
estoy en una plaza a reventar de gente
esperan, esperamos! a que salga alguien a hablar
llega, saluda tipo superstar, habla en 6 idiomas, da su mensajito, se va
he estado casi dos horas friendome al sol vestida de negro y el show se acaba en 6 minutos
pero alguien sale de la plaza con una gran sonrisa
y el momento "what the f**** am i doing here?" toma perspectiva, ay! el amor!

Thursday 21 February 2008

human touch



i'm looking forward to the human touch!

Sunday 17 February 2008


llenos (de decisiones)

Monday 11 February 2008

a future politian?

there are cities that were designed by car lovers, people whose idea about going around town means you have your own vehicle at your doorstep and you are at the doorstep of your destination. public transport is only for the poor, so who cared!
the astonishing thing is that you would think there would be signs with directions, the names of the streets written big for people inside a car, the numbers on the streets big for the same purpose.... but no!
so you wonder, if everybody moves by car, who do they go from a to b when they don't know the way? well, the answer is simple: only people (a european capital!) who know this city live in it.
incongrous, but that's what local politians must think, otherwise it's a joke!!!

but it's not only that, you arrive home at a perfectly reasonable time like 10.30pm, you look for a place to park your car...you keep looking.....and a little more....and after 20 min of futile search, you decide to park it in a place where there is a big sign, warning naive parkers like me that at 7am they are doing road work and so you better leave or you shall face a big fat fine
and there i was, at 6.50am, a time where my body clock and my brain are not awake nor working, reparking my car, feeling like a right idiot and considering going into local politics just to sort out the bloody transport system!

Thursday 7 February 2008

the duration of my cigarrete

i was sitting on hard cold surfaced bench, i had decided to sit down to have a smoke but mainly because it was a beautiful sunny winter day and the bench was one of the few spots in the shopping street where it shone

she sits next to me, a perfectly normal looking woman, in her 40s, well dressed, with some lastest fashion statements and shiny jewlry
she asks a random question and starts talking, pretty much non stop, and with very little cohesion throws a speech the duration of my cigarrete
she was operated from the back but still suffers from it, she just bought this beautiful pair of trousers for 20 euros, after taking two sleeping pills last night she woke up because she was hungry but (instead of eating) she had some magnesium pills, her petit ami hasn't called her and claims that the network from switzerland (from all places) is not very good, his coat was stolen from the office! can you imagine...... and on and on

it is actually not the first time that it happens to me, a woman decides she can open up with me and i am informed about her life and miracles at the speed of light
which i reckon it's a lot nicer than one of my friend who has a magnet for inoffensive but drunk boring men of a certain age, you go to a bar with her, and that's it!

Wednesday 6 February 2008

conclusions of the day

1. the grass is always greener elsewhere
which really should said, for clarity purposes, the grass always SEEMS greener elsewhere
which could also further develop into, you don't know what you have until you loose it
which may seem a little pesimistic, except realism, or rather pragmatism are also
always needed, at least a little bit

2. when 'god' was delivering patience i was in another queue

Tuesday 5 February 2008

two day weekend

first two day weekend in many many months, with rather gloomy results
out on friday
worst hang over in months on saturday
sneezing my way through sunday
leading to nursing a cold on monday

it's great to be back

Friday 1 February 2008

obispos con partido politico propio ?!

yo venga a intentar ir para adelante, como se supone tienen que ir las personas y el mundo
pero hete aqui, que unos señores con sotana, que claman tener un dios propio, quieren que vayamos hacia atras, a un punto en el tiempo cuando el pensamiento no era libre, sino que lo dictaban ellos

no podia estar mas de acuerdo:

Los obispos y el voto
La Conferencia Episcopal vuelve a interferir en la política, interviniendo en la precampaña
La Conferencia Episcopal ha emitido una nota sobre las elecciones del 9 de marzo, en lo que ya parece haberse convertido en una rutina. No se trata de negar a los obispos su derecho a introducir sus mensajes pastorales en la vida política, sino de recordarles que, a diferencia del resto de los ciudadanos, ellos disponen de un espacio exclusivo y reservado para hacerlo: los templos. Si se deciden a abandonarlos, como sucede cada vez que emiten una nota semejante a la de ayer, deben atenerse a las reglas pactadas entre ciudadanos y recogidas en la Constitución y las leyes. En el terreno político, ni son pastores de nadie puesto que rige el principio de una persona, un voto, ni pueden reclamar la posesión de la verdad si no es a costa de incurrir en fanatismo.
La nota de la Conferencia Episcopal recomienda a los católicos el voto al Partido Popular por la vía de describir los partidos a los que no deben apoyar, sin nombrar ni a uno ni a otros. Es una opinión política y no doctrinal, que, en todo caso, colocaría a los obispos ante la necesidad de explicar qué tratamiento reservarán a los creyentes que no sigan su consigna o que militen en formaciones que no son la que recomiendan. Pero, sobre todo, coloca al PP ante la obligación de pronunciarse sobre la autonomía de la esfera política en nuestro sistema constitucional: el intento de hacer coincidir el número de los católicos españoles con el número de sus votantes le pone en evidencia, tanto como a la jerarquía eclesiástica.
El retrato en negativo de los partidos a los que, según la Conferencia Episcopal, no deben votar los católicos está trazado con rasgos insidiosos, que no responden a la realidad. No es cierto que existan "dificultades crecientes para incorporar el estudio libre de la religión católica en los currículos de la escuela pública". Lo que sucede, por el contrario, es que la escuela pública no puede convertirse en agente de catequesis católica, como pretende el sector más integrista de los obispos. La mención a la negociación con los terroristas está redactada con particular malevolencia: ni la sociedad española ni ningún partido democrático ha considerado nunca que una banda de asesinos sea "representante político de ningún sector de población" o "interlocutor político" de nadie.
La búsqueda del consenso en el interior de la Conferencia Episcopal, profundamente dividida ante sus propias elecciones de marzo, ha hecho que la nota recoja algunos principios constitucionales que deberían regir las relaciones entre la Iglesia y el Estado. Habría que tomarle la palabra a los obispos y animarles a que den pruebas de que, en efecto, respetan "a quienes ven las cosas de otra manera" o de que no confunden la "aconfesionalidad o laicidad del Estado con la desvinculación moral". Ante la asignatura de Educación para la Ciudadanía tendrían, por ejemplo, una ocasión inmejorable para demostrar que son fieles a sus propias recomendaciones.

so khasta

she made lists of things to do, trying to keep busy, to stop her mind wandering dangerous paths,
she could even bear the thought

she had her stomach in permanent tension, hoping for the best, dreading what might turn out to be reality

she couldn't work it out, it made no sense, but yet the feeling was there, solid, aching, making itself felt at all times

she read, she wrote, she did this, did the other, yet her stomach still reminded her, the thought lingering, at the edges of her mind

she wasn't strong enough, she had seen herself in the mirror, wrinkles showing less timidly than before

at times she thought she was going mad, so little sense it made, she needed perspective, but that could only come from them

she was tired, so khasta