Friday 30 October 2009

c'est ou la ligne?

entre la liberte d'expression et les droits des auteurs?

« La bataille Hadopi » dessine les prémices d'une guerre qui ne fait que commencer. LaHaute Autorité pour la Diffusion des Œuvres et la Protection des droits sur Internet est devenu plus que l'acronyme d'une propagande, c’est désormais un symbole. Le symbole d'une entreprise de contrôle des techniques et des usages d'Internet.

Les technologies numériques sont en effet au cour de nos vies : apprentissage, échange, travail, amour, participation démocratique..., nos sociétés sont transformées de fond en comble. Nous sommes aujourd'hui tous acteurs de ce bouleversement, dont le point nodal est la liberté d'expression et la liberté d'acces a Internet. Blogs, réseaux sociaux et autres sites participatifs sont désormais au centre du processus démocratique, et du plein exercice de la citoyenneté.

Face a l'autodiffusion et l'autopromotion sur Internet d'artistes talentueux dans tous les domaines de l'Art (musique, cinéma, littérature, art plastique…) on nous oppose l'image stéréotypée du « pirate », alors que nous sommes de plein pied dans les nouvelles pratiques de contribution et dissémination des ouvres en libre échange, basées sur le modele du copyleft.

La guerre déclarée pour contrôler Internet se mene en France, en Europe et dans le monde. Le syndrome Hadopi le montre parfaitement, les lobbies menés par les industries culturelles prennent prétexte de la défense de la création pour transformer Internet en minitel, et imposer une société fondamentalement injuste ou le partage serait criminalisé.

La loi Hadopi élude les questions de rémunération des auteurs, propose un arsenal de répression couteux qui ne rapportera pas un centime supplémentaire aux créateurs et plongera l’internaute dans une insécurité juridique totale. Les propositions visant a améliorer les revenus des artistes et garantir le respect des droits fondamentaux des internautes a l'heure du numérique, auront été portés par les Anti-Hadopi : la Licence Créative ou le Mécénat Global.

Hadopi est un sujet complexe et vaste, recouvrant de nombreux domaines. C'est pourquoi un collectif de 40 auteurs qui se sont opposés a la loi Hadopi, Hommes et Femmes : politiques, sociologues, enseignant, militants associatifs, journalistes, artistes, auteurs, juristes, poetes, a décidé de participer a la rédaction de ce livre.

Cet ouvrage, document sociologique et politique rare, vous propose leurs réponses, points de vue complémentaires et analyses ; il apporte des solutions concretes et une autre vision de demain. Loin de l'erreur Hadopi.

Sunday 25 October 2009

Los Intore

Los Intore, que ademas de la marca de cigarrillos local son los bailarines mas famosos de Kirundo
(pronunciado kiruuuuuundo)

the batwas

The Twa, also known as Batwa, are a pygmy people who were the oldest recorded inhabitants of the Great Lakes region of central Africa. Current populations are found in the nations of Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, and the eastern portion of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2000, they numbered approximately 80,000 people, making them a significant minority group in these countries.

On Saturday the batwas from those countries celebrated together the day for the indigenous peoples and they danced:
here, the congolese batwas

Friday 23 October 2009

flora y fauna II

de esta naturaleza desbordante se me olvidaron un par de elementos que dan a mi cotideanidad otro toque de canela

uno son los perros de los vecinos, que no se si son solo dos o una manada entera pero que entre las 22.30 y las 01.00 se enzarzan en peleas con aullidos, grunhidos, ladradas y demas ruiditos, con una insistencia pasmosa, vamos que digo yo que a los vecinos se les podria haber ocurrido separarles...... pues no.

las otras son mi amigas las amebas que hasta ayer no sabia que habia dos tipos, pero los dos han decidido hacer un hogar en mi estomago; y el caso es que no dejan sus efectos para la zona intestinal, solo faltaba, sino que tambien producen fatiga y erupciones cutaneas asi que ahi ando, un poco hecha polvo, y rascandome una teta, que es donde mis amigas las amebas decidieron podia salirme a mi una erupcion....y para completar el arbolito tambien empastillada para combatir las amistades peligrosas

encantada con la naturaleza!

Thursday 22 October 2009

fauna y flora local

por aqui la naturaleza es poderosa y te encuentras que aquella plantita que viste siempre en el balcon de tu madre aqui es un arbol, o que lo que habias considerado un tamanho considerable de insecto, aqui es de los pequenhitos; asi por ejemplo las hormigas, las aranhas y las cucarachas parecen compartir la misma variedad de tamanhos y tipos: las hay enormes y enanas, con patas de modelo y de retaco, con tonalidades oscuras y claritas, discretas y entrometidas, asquerosas y hasta graciosas

otra parte divertida de la naturaleza poderosa de estas tierras son los habitantes del lago tanganika, con serpientes, caimanes, cocodrilos e hipopotamos dispuesto a hacer de tu banho un momento un tanto menos relajante; vamos como las olas del cantabrico, pero con dientes

la naturaleza por aqui esta menos acotada y uno de los lujos que sigue existiendo es tener pajaros en la ciudad, y en le jardin de una en concreto
por aqui pasan a saludar un aguila y un buho, uno de esos todo blancos, muy bonito y muy timido
tambien hay otros con otras cualidades, como ese en particular que hace un ruido EXACTO a un movil nokia quedandose sin bateria, y que ya me ha despertado a mi, y otros moradores de esta santa casa, pensado que no habiamos enchufado el maldito telefono; el caso es que no es solo el tono, sino la regularidad! calcao!
a los demas inquilinos de los arboles del jardin les gusta juntarse a charlar, y de todos los arboles, les gusta en particular el que esta al lado de mi ventana; en cuanto a la hora en que les gusta hacerlo, las 5.20 am, con la misma regularidad que mi amigo el pajaro-nokia
pero creo que es porque al amanecer, como al atardecer ese arbol de flores rosas huele maravillosamente, como uno de esos pupurris que venden para dar olor, pero en bueno y en natural

otro de los moradores de arboles, esta vez uno con flores rojas que en frances tiene un nombre muy bonito (y ahora mismo no me acuerdo) es el grillo, aunque deberia decir los cientos de ellos que se posan todos juntos y cantan a coro, al punto que si pasas debajo de uno de esos arboles al telefono no oyes ni a tus pensamientos

total, menos mal que todavia no he visto una rata

Wednesday 21 October 2009

a compulsory video for high schools

a one company video
which should however, be shown in every school, with special attention to teenage girls and boys, all of them

Thursday 15 October 2009

interviewing jewels

  • profession: evangelist (post: admin-finance)
  • a time when you resolved conflict: i talked to my boss (without speaking to the person first)
  • english level: fluent (could not understand the words strength/ weakness)
  • what's your main weakness: i have none
  • arriving 15 min late for the test AND 10 min late for the interview (the same person)

Wednesday 14 October 2009

The Oracle from Oslo

A brilliant piece, and not only cos he is a friend of mine:

"In the beginning, as God created heaven and earth, there was the word, and the word was Barack.

Barack came to the shining city upon a hill, with a halo around his head and wings on his feet. Floods ravaged the earth, the land was writhing in agony, the trees were barren, the sun scorched the soil, a man called Al ran around the earth showing lurid images of hell and fire, saying the end was near, a man in a cave sent burning rocks destroying chariots and castles, and a wounded man in a wheelchair was taken out of his bunker before he could destroy the sacred parchment. An ill wind blew over the Potomac.

And then the snow fell, fresh and light, pure and white, innocent as a hare, on a day so rare. And Barack rose to the mount and raised his hand and said, “So help me God”, and God helped him.

And then followed the first day.

Barack smiled, and there was sunshine, separating darkness from light. Birds were singing, people were twittering, leaves began to rustle, unions showed their muscle, dealers went to hustle, and the world remained a puzzle. Enemies had begun to shiver, as Barack turned to his quiver, but as was his habit, he produced a rabbit. Barack was about love, and his messenger was the dove.

And then followed the second day.

Barack went out and spoke to the good men and women on the hill. He said he would send his doves of hope everywhere, to the sandy desert where on a darkling plain ignorant armies clashed by night; to the jungles where soldiers stole gold and silver to buy more machetes and swords; to the hermit kingdom where an unruly child sought attention by firing crackers. And he said there shall come a day when he, too, shall lay down his sword. And the wise Magi of Oslo saw that as the First Sign.

And then followed the third day.

And in the city without Two Towers he told those who ate cake that they must eat bread, and he turned wine to water, and he glanced with his steely eyes at the big wounded bull panting for breath and the growling bear crawling towards him. And he told the goldsmith to make more coins and he turned the coins to honey and fed the bulls and the bears, and their animal instincts returned and the kingdom was happy ever after.

And then followed the fourth day.

And then Barack declared that men in orange shall be set free but, even though unchained, these men could not fly to freedom because no one would receive them, and Barack said he had at least tried. And for the Magi, that was the Second Sign. There were other men in orange, in a city of pagodas, where unarmed orange-robed men went seeking justice, but the pagan gods cracked their skulls, and Barack’s messengers said they would break bread with them. For the Magi, that, too, was a miracle, for the faith of the orange-robed promised rewards only in the next birth.

And then followed the fifth day.

And there was an old monk in saffron robes and Gucci shoes who came to the shining city, his eyes twinkling as he smiled, with the hope that he might be able to see Barack. But Barack worked in mysterious ways and he told the old monk that rewards befall only when the cycle of rebirths was complete, so he must continue to meditate for deliverance from suffering, from the Yellow Emperors with the Little Red Book. And Barack could not help, because he had many bills to pay to the Yellow Emperors with the Little Red Book. And the Magi understood.

And then followed the sixth day.

And then Barack spoke to the people—on their Apples and through Orange, on BlackBerrys and in boxes with images—his calm voice reverberating through the ether. And he spoke at the seminary by the pyramids, and then in the city of the playwright who believed in Living the Truth, and men in hoods had taken him away, for Disturbing the Peace. That town then chose the playwright to heal their wounds, but the playwright’s miracles, the Magi of Oslo felt, were not good enough.

And then followed the seventh day.

And then a white warrior in blue restrained a black scholar at his home, and Barack invited the warrior and the scholar to his garden, and offered them strong waters made of barley, yeast, malt and hops, bringing to an end years of mistrust and harmony. And the wise Magi of Oslo looked at the sky and clouds had parted and there was light.

And the Magi of Oslo nodded and said Barack, he be the One.

God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good. Evening came, and morning followed.

Salil Tripathi is a writer based in London. Your comments are welcome at"

Thursday 8 October 2009

mundo de locos

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Berlus.......tienes los dias contados

menos mal! habra justicia?

"La Corte Constitucional italiana ha declarado inconstitucional por nueve votos a seis la ley de inmunidad conocida como Laudo Alfano que mantiene paralizados cuatro procesos contra el primer ministro, Silvio Berlusconi. "

el alto oficio de vivir

"lo peculiar y lucido de la vida, el alto oficio de vivir consiste en la fina disposición para atender con animosa serenidad aquellas cosas que, en general, casi constantemente, nos marchan mal"

Thursday 1 October 2009

the basics in life

The city of Bologna, italy, is home to the oldest university in the western world, founded in 1088.

In 1256, the city promulgated the Legge del Paradiso ("Paradise Law"), which abolished feudal serfdom and freed the slaves, using public money. At that time the city centre was full of towers (perhaps 180), built by the leading families, notable public edifices, churches, and abbeys.

The middle of the fifteenth century was a flourishing one for the city, with the presence of notable architects and painters who made Bologna a true city of art. During the Renaissance, Bologna was the only Italian city that allowed women to excel in any profession. Women there had much more freedom than in other Italian cities; some even had the opportunity to earn a degree at the university.

Until the early nineteenth century, when a large-scale urban reconstruction project was undertaken, Bologna remained one of the best-preserved medieval cities in Europe; to this day it remains unique in its historic value. Despite having suffered considerable bombing damage in 1944, Bologna's historic centre contains a wealth of important Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque artistic monuments.

The cityscape is further enriched by elegant and extensive arcades (or porticos), for which the city is famous. In total, there are some 38 kilometres of arcades in the city's historical center (over 45 km in the city proper), which make it possible to walk for long distances sheltered from rain, snow, or hot summer sun.

In one of those arcades, the expression of art, wisdom and happinnes through the simple things in life:

Panis Vita

Vinum Laetitia

Cannabis protetto