Thursday, 18 February 2010

Thursday, 4 February 2010



"[...]pasa con voluntarios, cooperantes y turistas solidarios o sin solidarizar, que a menudo circulan alegremente, pisando todos los charcos, por lugares donde la gente se frota los derechos humanos en la punta del cimbel y una vida vale menos que un paquete de Marlboro. Donde llamas presunto asesino a alguien y tapas la cara de un menor en una foto, y la gente que mata adúlteras a pedradas o frecuenta a prostitutas de doce años se rula de risa. Donde quien maneja el machete no es el indígena simpático que sale en el National Geographic, ni el pobrecillo de la patera, ni te reciben con bonitas danzas tribales. Donde lo que hay es hambre, fusiles AK-47 oxidados pero que disparan, y televisión por satélite que cría una enorme mala leche al mostrar el escaparate inalcanzable del estúpido Occidente. Atizando el rencor, justificadísimo, de quienes antes eran más ingenuos y ahora tienen la certeza desesperada de saberse lejos de todo esto. "

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

how universally easy it is to go back

I had been considering it for a long time, probably like so many others...we do think about it but socially it's so complicated we actually never do so

a very dear friend to whom i failed terribly (and of little matter is the unconsciousness or unintentionality) and i were exposed in recent days to some pretty nasty microscopic fibres, their effects quite difficult to calculate for the time being; reading about these nasty fibres, one of the main warnings was to quit smoking, for the fibres affect the lungs....and so does smoking....pretty awful combination innit?

so! after my reading of the theory, my ponding over time and my recent scare, i should say i have enough elements to put words into practice and actually QUIT, again, for good

really, in honest truth, it's the "again" the problem... like i've just read: "The factor that really shows the addiction is not how hard or how easy it is to quit. What really shows the addiction is how universally easy it is to go back." The same website's main advice, repeated over and over and over again is hard and simple: NEVER EVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF! ANOTHER PUFF!