Tuesday 29 June 2010

at least there's humour!

– What’s the difference between the England team and a teabag? The tea bag stays in the cup longer.

– The England team visited an orphanage in Cape Town today.“It’s heartbreaking to see their sad little faces with no hope,”said Jamal, aged six.

– I hear Oxo are making a new product. The packaging is white with a red cross and they're calling it the laughing stock.

At the other side of the channel they are producing t-shirts with "United States of Belgium".....

I'm a Mac and.....I've got a dirty secret

or the duty of electronic companies and their consumers to trace back minerals and ensure they are conflict free: give congo some hope: http://www.raisehopeforcongo.org/blog/post/steve-jobs-responds-and-so-does-enough-project

Monday 28 June 2010

I'M MAD AS HELL, aren't YOU?

SIGN NOW: http://www.1billionhungry.org/

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Por El, un maestro

Nos señaló la resignación como la gran losa que nos aplasta y la deshumanización como el resultado del tipo de sociedad en la que vivimos. Nos ha ayudado a ser mejores personas. Era una de las pocas mentes que se expresaba con la libertad del que sabe que sus palabras nunca las van a poder callar, ni politicuchos, ni regidores de religiones, ni reyes, ni papas… ni la muerte, siempre nos quedarán sus textos.