Saturday 15 September 2007

the list in your head

you make a list in your head, you write it down from time to time, in different pieces of paper and then, one day, you find several pieces of paper with lists of names, many of which coincide from paper to paper, except they might be in different order
you make a mental note to make sure you set time aside to actually, eventually, finally, sit down and write to these names, which belong to a bunch of lovely people that happen to be your friends and family
you make the effort, find the time, sit down, write down, communicate and when you go to your address book to find their contacts, a cold shiver runs down your spine, as you realise that the names in all those list you wrote down were only a third of the bunch of lovely people you really want to be communicating with
you make yourself the promise to make the effort more often, until you realise you are doing it for the n time
you make yourself the promise to find the time more often, until you realise that it's virtually impossible to have a job, a relationship, a family, a life and be in contact with the huge bunch of lovely people you encounter, no matter how much you miss them, no matter how much you want to stay in touch
is it just me???!!!

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