Friday 8 May 2009

this week

started with a 10 hour meeting on finances and procedures, useful, but...... not my cup of tea
it followed by two days of too much work and too little time, some IT difficulties, some frustrating telephone conversations, and a reinforced feeling of needing a break

on the other hand,

after years of lobbying, 5 to be precise, somebody far away finally got connected to skype and by a good coincidence a chat between burundi, mexico and spain happened, wallahi!

an unemployed friend shared frustrations and challenges with the optimism that characterises the person, and gave some perspective to my past and present situations; it is always interesting to compare how one reacted, how someone else does so, and to learn from the positivity some people manage to emanate

another friend did a test that came up with 'you have a natural tendency to surround yourself by positive people'...and it makes you think, not only the people that make your life, but yourself as well, how could you change towards having a more positive attitude, not just on the good times, but also on the bad

the locals here, when asked 'how are you' always answer 'a little'; going a bit local, i started answering the same way, until someone said to me this week 'oh, if bazungus (white people) start saying 'a little' then i need to worry!', and blimey he had a point! we have jobs, money, great houses, access to everything we want (ish)...... answering 'a little', i hadn't realised that the mentality behind was creeping on me, like a mental state that starts becoming a permanent attire

it makes me think of yet another friend who with a swiss determination decides that tomorrow she will get up in a good mood and with a smile

despite this morning grey mood, and a rather challenging meeting this morning (patience, god, give me patience) a little turn must happen, i must remember this week, in its entirety, the good and the bad, what i need to learn and remember, what i need to practice, tending towards positivity, the way forward, the way i want to go

i should take note and learn from my 'teachers' this week
i shall do a positive analysis exercise this weekend, to enjoy and celebrate what i have!
i remember it also being a new year resolution shared with my sister
must remember, must practice

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