Tuesday 19 April 2011

holiday blues

The depression and boredom that follows when you arrive back from a holiday. It may result in tiredness, loss of appetite, strong feelings of nostalgia, and in some cases, depression. Jet lag may intensify the post vacation blues.

In general, post vacation blues wear off after time. It usually takes a few days for the mood to wear off, although in some cases, it can take up to 1.5 times the length of the trip. Other ways of treating holiday blues are for the person to share their experiences with family and friends, or to look at photo and souvenirs.

Similar moods
■Monday blues - may be experienced by persons after weekends.
■Post holiday blues - sometimes experienced by persons after long breaks.
■Post party blues - may be experienced by persons after an enjoyable party or nightlife experience.

I am so happy to have the internet for a bit of self-diagnosing.....

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