Tuesday 5 December 2006

it's like hitch hiking

it's bizarre living in between
the boat that has been carrying you, for a long time now, is nearly crumbling under your feet
more than ever before, you can see its colours fading, the wooden planks rotting at places
the need for repairs is too obvious, but you no longer feel it's your responsibility and under a new light you realise that it requires a lot more; you get a feeling the machinery is about to suffer a cramp (can machines get a cramp? i guess not, but it's a great image)

on the other hand, you are trying to gaze through the midst the new boat that in theory is about to arrive, but you are still on the old one, and the midst is too thick at this time of the year
the only conclusion possible then it's to practice what this year taught you, patience

at the end of the day it's like hitch hiking, it's not about how many boats pass, only one matters, really, the one that takes you

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