Tuesday 19 August 2008

Akagera National Park

as this is the dry season, once the main road is behind, cars circulate leaving behind a red cloud of dust that covers absolutely everything, making those walking at the sides of the road cover their faces

the variety of landscapes inside the park is stricking from the hills of red earth to the savanah plains or the papyrus sorrounded lakes

the animals there, not as many as in other country parks, are pretty much tired of these white and black monkeys in noisy elephant size vehicles who make a click click click noise all the time, i guess the concept of photo must really scape them

we were relatively lucky and although no predators encounter we had a giraffe, some scary hippos (see photo), impalas, okapis, babuns, many birds and the most majestic of all, a couple of eagles

the other highlight was to contemplate a moon eclipse reflecting over a lake

while dancing around an open fire with great music

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