Tuesday, 29 December 2009
what's been happening?
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
identidad y pertenencia
para una que se siente bastante apatrida y que estudio guerras y conflictos, el debate sobre la identidad nacional es miope, porque la identidad individual tiene muchos niveles interrelacionados y dependiendo del punto de partida la definicion de "otredad" sera una u otra, lease, lo mismo que buscamos puntos en comun con unos seres humanos porque viven cerca nuestro, o porque tienen una serie de cosas en comun con nosotr@s, podiamos buscar otras no? porque ademas hay algunas que no las elegimos! por ejemplo:
ser mujer u hombre ya dan una vision y vivencia del mundo diferente
ser negr@, blanc@ o asiatic@ tambien, y otras caracteristicas como gord@s, flac@s, rubi@s, moren@s....
asi como ser de un continente u otro
y por supuesto tambien de un estado u otro
hay otras caracteristicas que podiamos mirar como por ejemplo:
ser cristian@, musulman/a, judi@, budista, hindu o ate@
asi como heterosexual u homosexual
asi que, como y quien define la identidad? es el estado equiparable con la nacion? el debate es mucho mas complejo de lo que se esta planteando a nivel politico
este articulo de El Pais toca sobre algunos de esos temas
Sunday, 6 December 2009
what we take for granted
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
experimenting with their own life
(gracias ladelentes)
Sunday, 29 November 2009
hard to plan the day
(thanks Sophie)
there is hope
hace unos dias cuando lei la noticia original sobre su detencion, pense que que mal, pero que mal anda el mundo
lo que resulta preocupante es que todos tenemos responsabilidades...desde consumidores de noticias hasta aquellos que las escriben, pasando por medicos alarmistas o moralistas....la necesidad de informar, de dar al publico 'noticias de ultimo minuto', unida a la demanda de cosas 'nuevas' en todo momento hicieron un juicio rapido, injusto y sin posibilidad de replica para el acusado-juzgado, sin todos los elementos para hacerlo! y alli que creamos un monstruo, o por lo menos en el papel...
la tristeza que alguien de tres anhos murio de una caida y de danhos internos que no se detectaron, es muy diferente de una muerte a manos de un monstruo
el mundo produce ya una cantidad ingente de monstruos pertenecientes al genero humano y creo que andamos bastante sobrados como para seguir creandolos
asi que no es que el mundo no ande mal, pero la absolucion es de alguna manera un alivio
y en este domingo lluvioso da esperanza
quizas tambien es que ayer conoci a un joven de un pais vecino de presencia impecable, trato agradable y conversacion inteligente, con ideas claras y propias sobre la situacion real y las posibles salidas, y sobretodo, asumiendo responsabilidades a la vez que viendo las oportunidades; un cocktail poco habitual en estas latitudes donde el ingrediente responsabilidad escasea
ambos me dicen 'there is hope!' en este dia lluvioso de noviembre
Saturday, 28 November 2009
¿Cómo hemos llegado a esto?
Articulo recomendado de Timothy Garton Ash
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
i'm not stupid
Monday, 23 November 2009
skies in a three hour span
behind the Congo mountains
Sunday, 15 November 2009
dependiendo del minimo por le que se empiece
Saturday, 14 November 2009
La France: Rêve, réalité ou couchemar des quelques politicians?
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Terms and Conditions for Insurance in the USA
Thursday, 5 November 2009
el olvido perenne del mar
pasear por la orilla lejana del mar;
que la arena de oro, y las aguas verdes,
y los cielos puros me vieran pasar.
Ser alta, soberbia, perfecta, quisiera,
como una romana, para concordar
con las grandes olas, y las rocas muertas
y las anchas playas que ciñen el mar.
Con el paso lento, y los ojos fríos
y la boca muda, dejarme llevar;
ver cómo se rompen las olas azules
contra los granitos y no parpadear;
ver cómo las aves rapaces se comen l
os peces pequeños y no despertar;
pensar que pudieran las frágiles barcas
hundirse en las aguas y no suspirar;
ver que se adelanta, la garganta al aire,
el hombre más bello, no desear amar...
Perder la mirada,
distraídamente, perderla
y que nunca la vuelva a encontrar:
y, figura erguida, entre cielo y playa,
sentirme el olvido perenne del mar.
Alfonsina Storni
Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.
But what if the mistake has already been made?
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Creo que en la vida como en la política hay que ser ética y estética
Friday, 30 October 2009
c'est ou la ligne?
entre la liberte d'expression et les droits des auteurs?
« La bataille Hadopi » dessine les prémices d'une guerre qui ne fait que commencer. LaHaute Autorité pour la Diffusion des Œuvres et la Protection des droits sur Internet est devenu plus que l'acronyme d'une propagande, c’est désormais un symbole. Le symbole d'une entreprise de contrôle des techniques et des usages d'Internet.
Les technologies numériques sont en effet au cour de nos vies : apprentissage, échange, travail, amour, participation démocratique..., nos sociétés sont transformées de fond en comble. Nous sommes aujourd'hui tous acteurs de ce bouleversement, dont le point nodal est la liberté d'expression et la liberté d'acces a Internet. Blogs, réseaux sociaux et autres sites participatifs sont désormais au centre du processus démocratique, et du plein exercice de la citoyenneté.
Face a l'autodiffusion et l'autopromotion sur Internet d'artistes talentueux dans tous les domaines de l'Art (musique, cinéma, littérature, art plastique…) on nous oppose l'image stéréotypée du « pirate », alors que nous sommes de plein pied dans les nouvelles pratiques de contribution et dissémination des ouvres en libre échange, basées sur le modele du copyleft.
La guerre déclarée pour contrôler Internet se mene en France, en Europe et dans le monde. Le syndrome Hadopi le montre parfaitement, les lobbies menés par les industries culturelles prennent prétexte de la défense de la création pour transformer Internet en minitel, et imposer une société fondamentalement injuste ou le partage serait criminalisé.
La loi Hadopi élude les questions de rémunération des auteurs, propose un arsenal de répression couteux qui ne rapportera pas un centime supplémentaire aux créateurs et plongera l’internaute dans une insécurité juridique totale. Les propositions visant a améliorer les revenus des artistes et garantir le respect des droits fondamentaux des internautes a l'heure du numérique, auront été portés par les Anti-Hadopi : la Licence Créative ou le Mécénat Global.
Hadopi est un sujet complexe et vaste, recouvrant de nombreux domaines. C'est pourquoi un collectif de 40 auteurs qui se sont opposés a la loi Hadopi, Hommes et Femmes : politiques, sociologues, enseignant, militants associatifs, journalistes, artistes, auteurs, juristes, poetes, a décidé de participer a la rédaction de ce livre.
Cet ouvrage, document sociologique et politique rare, vous propose leurs réponses, points de vue complémentaires et analyses ; il apporte des solutions concretes et une autre vision de demain. Loin de l'erreur Hadopi.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Los Intore
the batwas
Friday, 23 October 2009
flora y fauna II
Thursday, 22 October 2009
fauna y flora local
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
a compulsory video for high schools
Thursday, 15 October 2009
interviewing jewels
- profession: evangelist (post: admin-finance)
- a time when you resolved conflict: i talked to my boss (without speaking to the person first)
- english level: fluent (could not understand the words strength/ weakness)
- what's your main weakness: i have none
- arriving 15 min late for the test AND 10 min late for the interview (the same person)
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
The Oracle from Oslo
Barack came to the shining city upon a hill, with a halo around his head and wings on his feet. Floods ravaged the earth, the land was writhing in agony, the trees were barren, the sun scorched the soil, a man called Al ran around the earth showing lurid images of hell and fire, saying the end was near, a man in a cave sent burning rocks destroying chariots and castles, and a wounded man in a wheelchair was taken out of his bunker before he could destroy the sacred parchment. An ill wind blew over the Potomac.
And then the snow fell, fresh and light, pure and white, innocent as a hare, on a day so rare. And Barack rose to the mount and raised his hand and said, “So help me God”, and God helped him.
And then followed the first day.
Barack smiled, and there was sunshine, separating darkness from light. Birds were singing, people were twittering, leaves began to rustle, unions showed their muscle, dealers went to hustle, and the world remained a puzzle. Enemies had begun to shiver, as Barack turned to his quiver, but as was his habit, he produced a rabbit. Barack was about love, and his messenger was the dove.
And then followed the second day.
Barack went out and spoke to the good men and women on the hill. He said he would send his doves of hope everywhere, to the sandy desert where on a darkling plain ignorant armies clashed by night; to the jungles where soldiers stole gold and silver to buy more machetes and swords; to the hermit kingdom where an unruly child sought attention by firing crackers. And he said there shall come a day when he, too, shall lay down his sword. And the wise Magi of Oslo saw that as the First Sign.
And then followed the third day.
And in the city without Two Towers he told those who ate cake that they must eat bread, and he turned wine to water, and he glanced with his steely eyes at the big wounded bull panting for breath and the growling bear crawling towards him. And he told the goldsmith to make more coins and he turned the coins to honey and fed the bulls and the bears, and their animal instincts returned and the kingdom was happy ever after.
And then followed the fourth day.
And then Barack declared that men in orange shall be set free but, even though unchained, these men could not fly to freedom because no one would receive them, and Barack said he had at least tried. And for the Magi, that was the Second Sign. There were other men in orange, in a city of pagodas, where unarmed orange-robed men went seeking justice, but the pagan gods cracked their skulls, and Barack’s messengers said they would break bread with them. For the Magi, that, too, was a miracle, for the faith of the orange-robed promised rewards only in the next birth.
And then followed the fifth day.
And there was an old monk in saffron robes and Gucci shoes who came to the shining city, his eyes twinkling as he smiled, with the hope that he might be able to see Barack. But Barack worked in mysterious ways and he told the old monk that rewards befall only when the cycle of rebirths was complete, so he must continue to meditate for deliverance from suffering, from the Yellow Emperors with the Little Red Book. And Barack could not help, because he had many bills to pay to the Yellow Emperors with the Little Red Book. And the Magi understood.
And then followed the sixth day.
And then Barack spoke to the people—on their Apples and through Orange, on BlackBerrys and in boxes with images—his calm voice reverberating through the ether. And he spoke at the seminary by the pyramids, and then in the city of the playwright who believed in Living the Truth, and men in hoods had taken him away, for Disturbing the Peace. That town then chose the playwright to heal their wounds, but the playwright’s miracles, the Magi of Oslo felt, were not good enough.
And then followed the seventh day.
And then a white warrior in blue restrained a black scholar at his home, and Barack invited the warrior and the scholar to his garden, and offered them strong waters made of barley, yeast, malt and hops, bringing to an end years of mistrust and harmony. And the wise Magi of Oslo looked at the sky and clouds had parted and there was light.
And the Magi of Oslo nodded and said Barack, he be the One.
God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good. Evening came, and morning followed.
Salil Tripathi is a writer based in London. Your comments are welcome at salil@livemint.com"
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Berlus.......tienes los dias contados
el alto oficio de vivir
Thursday, 1 October 2009
the basics in life
In 1256, the city promulgated the Legge del Paradiso ("Paradise Law"), which abolished feudal serfdom and freed the slaves, using public money. At that time the city centre was full of towers (perhaps 180), built by the leading families, notable public edifices, churches, and abbeys.
The middle of the fifteenth century was a flourishing one for the city, with the presence of notable architects and painters who made Bologna a true city of art. During the Renaissance, Bologna was the only Italian city that allowed women to excel in any profession. Women there had much more freedom than in other Italian cities; some even had the opportunity to earn a degree at the university.
Until the early nineteenth century, when a large-scale urban reconstruction project was undertaken, Bologna remained one of the best-preserved medieval cities in Europe; to this day it remains unique in its historic value. Despite having suffered considerable bombing damage in 1944, Bologna's historic centre contains a wealth of important Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque artistic monuments.
The cityscape is further enriched by elegant and extensive arcades (or porticos), for which the city is famous. In total, there are some 38 kilometres of arcades in the city's historical center (over 45 km in the city proper), which make it possible to walk for long distances sheltered from rain, snow, or hot summer sun.
In one of those arcades, the expression of art, wisdom and happinnes through the simple things in life:
Panis Vita
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Friday, 11 September 2009
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
the farting turtle
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Sunday, 30 August 2009
creative wisdom: first steps
"A mind too active is no mind at all"
"Poetry often enters through the window of irrelevance"
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
this century challenge
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
time flies....
two weeks ago i was in the brit-american experience, with harry potter dancing in the streets and law, aspiration and the deeply rooted belief on a better world dancing in books and conversations alike....yet with commonalities in spite oceans of separation
five weeks ago i was enjoying family company in a foreign land for them, for us, for me; an impasse in time and space, yet its signification still to fully come to me....not just yet
today an inspirational company needing support and 'courage' (to be pronounced the french way)... yet as pleasurable as usual
tomorrow a long awaited arrival......yet am i ready for it?
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
lessons from a 90 years old lady
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; life never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else. 20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no foran answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over-prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
35. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
36. Your children get only one childhood.
37. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
38. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
39. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'dgrab ours back.
40. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
41. The best is yet to come...
42. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
43. Yield.
44. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Monday, 3 August 2009
mille collines pride
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
fighting cynicism
when i started university, i knew minute 5 that the topic was not for me, so when i finished my four years (found my best friend along so can't complain) i moved country and studied politics (in short); after several intern type jobs, i landed in my ideal job where i met (more friends and my other half) some very interesting, intelligent and powerful people, also travelled widely around the world and had the chance to encounter and get to know very brave human rights defenders; then decided to do 'the field' as a matter of personal and professional coherence
through all of that experience, i would say that i have become relatively well acquainted with the realities of the world, be it culturally, religiously, politically, economically and that i now have a fairly good idea of how the world (really) works
the trouble is that my idealist side has been punched in the face so many times, cynicism (although a certain amount is needed for survival) is kinda taking hold of me...to the point of rendering me prisoner, and therefore (completely?) ineffective
the professors we have here are trying very hard and to some extent (un)successfully to encourage their students to take up the issue and BELIEVE in (let's call it) the human rights project, not with naivety, but with determination, "it is a long term process" as they say
it is not, by any means, that i don't tend to agree with them, but i really am finding a hard time finding the 'entry point', the motivation, the strength, the will
i am good at what i do, and yet i know i am not being as good as i could be precisely because of this feeling of "and what's that going to change anyway?", namely, precisely the attitude all human rights defenders (hrd) fight against in their societies; so when we are all paranoid about all these terrible terrorist coming to take our wealth and tranquility, some hrd actually get worried about the rights of some of those (think Guantanamo bay, renditions, torture, etc) to the dismay of some (why would anybody care about THEM?)....well....because the principles and what we stand for is what will distinguish the 'civilized' societies (and i use the word with very much cynicism, but that's for another post)..... i derail again
my point? i'm not sure...while i do perfectly realise that cynicism in not the answer, good for me, let alone my job, i really am finding it extremely difficult to see the rosy side of things.....
does anybody have any suggestion?
Thursday, 23 July 2009
sobredosis informativa en el regimiento militar
una sobredosis de informacion, cursos de 1 anho o mas en la universidad condensados en 4 semanas
ya estamos a mitad de curso! y tengo la sensacion de que este reloj de arena va mas rapido que otros! casi me estoy poniendo nerviosa con los examenes, la ultima vez que hice uno se estrellaron aviones contra las torres gemelas.... o sea antes de ayer
l@s compas son interesantes y variopintos, en general jovencit@s, la mayoria de un pais en particular (a veces parece mas otro planeta) de todos los colores y espectros politicos; toda una experiencia sumergirse en la mente de gente tan alejada de la mia y l@s mi@s, en cualquier caso, de todo se aprende! esperemos sea bi-direccional (por la cuenta que nos trae)
los aposentos modestos pero correctisimos, a la vez de una experiencia en si misma (aparecera harry potter a la vuelta de la esquina?), la ciudad muy muy bonita, asi la verdad, se estudia mejor!
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
following instructions
Mine was: "Capital punishment is now viewed as a human right violation by the European community, and on this ground, Europeans routinely excoriate the United States, where the death penalty remains in force in some jurisdictions....."
Monday, 13 July 2009
visits and voyages
i landed in white human being kingdom from the black human being republic, worlds apart in many more ways than the colour or the type of state
my last days in the black human republic were coloured by a very special visit, the best and most easy going visitors ever: curious, relaxed and accommodating to the circumstances and any plan proposed (MUAK! to both!)
seeing the country, its people and customs through new eyes, and providing mine to theirs
talking, about life, love, ghosts and sins; discussing the ethereal and the human, the past, the present and the future
a brief visit by my other half also coloured those last days before my current harry potter life, a work tainted rediscovery, a ray of sunshine after months of gloomy days, a wink for a future, still to be worked out, a smile in my face
my welcome to the white kingdom was great, initially provided by my viking friend, who led me through what felt the marsh of london transport; followed by the ladies, some red hair smiles, some pregnant, some practising motherhood with no children of their own
a bus ride, a good night sleep, a welcoming reception, a (few) glass of champagne and 6 thick (very) reading materials.....my company for the next month
Friday, 3 July 2009
Monday, 29 June 2009
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Thursday, 25 June 2009
el guardaespaldas
Sunday, 21 June 2009
bujumbura neighbours
in the morning i found her in my lamp
Friday, 19 June 2009
sick country or sick world?
One a famous SA politician was told that a woman was a raped in his country every 3 seconds, he stood in the middle of the street, counted three seconds and proceeded to laugh saying that nothing had happened in those seconds.
Maybe he will believe now, as the truth comes out of the perpetrators' mouth.
The saddest thing of all is that, despite the fact that statistics are not the same all over the world, it is also true that it is, together with domestic violence, a common human rights abuse in ALL countries in the world. The fact that the rapist is in 80% of the cases known to the victims makes it even more disgusting.
This is a sick world, and in some parts, the world is very very very sick.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
staying in the middle
Monday, 15 June 2009
lucha de gigantes
pero hoy tengo en la cabeza su cancion
'lucha de gigantes'
para aquell@s que la recuerden
antonio vega
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Saturday, 13 June 2009
classy Cadillac
in Kigali on of such places is called Cadillac, a classy (not) disco that opens all night long for those with too much energy or alcohol to go home
the first thing that hits you as you get in is the combination heat-smell, capable of knocking one out unless they are alcoholised enough not to care
the most outstanding and classic feature however is the patterned, fluorescent highlights included carpet, where if a 'content-analysis' was to be carried out, i think i'd probably wouldn't like to know the results
the other feature is provided by the random dancers that join groups of completely unknown people; whenever you turn round, you've made a new friend!
like my friends were saying today, the hangovers after hours of dancing in such atmospheric conditions always have an extra edge
Thursday, 11 June 2009
la vie en rose
con la moral en forma de montanha rusa
esperaba el dia de su libertad con ansia
el optimismo forzado pero necesario
su leccion para la visita de 15 min fue:
no te plantees chorradas, dijo
si quieres a alguien disfrutalo
si tienes a alguien aprecialo
carpe diem
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
desempolvar antiguos fantasmas
hasta que un dia, por la razon que sea, generalmente un susto, una crisis, un cambio, los vemos si hay suerte y actitud, los reconocemos y enfrentamos si hay valentia y voluntad, y los ponemos en su sitio si hay tiempo, espacio, inteligencia y practica
esos fantasmas no se olvidan, pero tampoco creo conviene hacerlo, puesto que nos muestran y demuestan un aprendizaje, un contexto, una evolucion y tambien opciones, pasadas y futuras
poniendolos en su sitio, vemos comportamientos aprendidos y repetidos desde alla cuando los romanos eran imperio hasta este dia; muchos de los cuales ni siquiera tienen que ver con la persona que se es actualmente o con la que se quiere llegar a ser; algunos vienen de un contexto en particular, otros del colegio, los mas de la familia, nido de union y conflictos casi por igual
en las ultimas semanas yo me encontre con unos cuantos fantasmas, viejos, empolvados, feos pero que ahi seguian, al pie del canhon, hasta parecerme casi innatos a mi persona y me volvieron loca!! a mi y a otros,
asi que he decidido que hasta aqui hemos llegado, que os voy a poner en el baul de los recuerdos, y que mi evolucion pasa por vuestro funeral
despediros majitos
Friday, 5 June 2009
Berlusconi al desnudo
"Que no se equivoque Silvio Berlusconi: es la prensa democrática la que respeta su intimidad y él quien no deja de ponerla en entredicho. Porque la publicación de las fotografías de sus fiestas privadas no obedece a ningún intento de enjuiciar su moral como ciudadano, sino al propósito de demostrar que él, como primer ministro, está intentando convertir el espacio de la política democrática en una simple prolongación de sus relaciones de amistad y de sus entretenimientos.
Con este escándalo Berlusconi queda al desnudo, pero no como ciudadano, sino como político. Si hasta ahora sus salidas de tono se habían tomado a broma, hoy existen nuevas y poderosas razones para advertir que lo que el primer ministro está poniendo en juego es el futuro de Italia como Estado de derecho. Y una Italia que se deslice por la pendiente a la que la está arrastrando Berlusconi no es sólo un motivo de preocupación para los italianos, sino para todos los europeos."
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
aun me acuerdo cuando a un companhero de instituto le pusieron una bomba en el coche, aquellos que claman libertad de expresion, que por suerte no le mato, pero le quito una pierna para siempre, a el cuya pasion era el volley; yo ya estaba lejos cuando ello sucedio, y por ello me entere por la pagina de mi periodico habitual
como me entere hace unos cuantos meses, que alguien muy querido por queridos mios moria en un accidente aereo en el congo
como me entere no hace tanto, en enero creo que era, que una gran investigadora de Human Rights Watch moria tragicamente en un accidente aereo
como me entere hoy, que alguien a quien conoci, aunque no fuese mucho, por dedicarnos a lo mismo de alguna manera, estaba en aquel avion que se perdio en medio del oceano hace unos dias
El investigador Pablo Dreyfus, y su esposa Ana Carolina, estaban en el avión de la Air France que desapareció. Argentino, Pablo era reconocidamente uno de los mayores especialistas internacionales sobre control de armas de fuego. Viajaba a Genebra, para la reunión anual del Small Arms Survey, importante publicación sobre armas y municiones, de la que era uno de los editores.
Sus estudios lo levaron a angustiarse con la situación de violencia en Brasil, y el resolvió trabajar en Viva Rio, ong que se dedica a la reducción de la violencia. En ese país, su colaboración fue decisiva en la elaboración del Estatuto del Desarme, la avanzada ley brasileña de control de armas. La fuerza de los resultados de sus investigaciones, vinculando el descontrol sobre las armas con las altas tajas de muertes por arma de fuego en Brasil – 94 muertos por día -, fue fundamental para convencer los brasileños a entregaren medio millión de armas en la Campaña Voluntaria de Desarme, en 2005. La implementación de la nueva ley, combinada con los efectos de la campaña, salvaron más de 6 mil vidas en Brasil en los últimos 5 años.
Miembro de la International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), su trabajo se extendía a varios países. Sus análisis sobre los desvíos de armas en Paraguay, Argentina y Mozambique, llevaron eses países a reformularen sus políticas de combate al tráfico ilícito de armas. Pablo se preparaba para iniciar una consultoría al gobierno de Angola, país que todavía enfrenta el problema de la proliferación de las armas de la guerra civil, y realizaba estudios sobre el contrabando de armas en América Central.
Hace dos años, Pablo se casó con la socióloga Ana Carolina, también de Viva Rio. Ana se dedicaba a proyectos de reducción de violencia entre niños y jóvenes en las favelas de Rio de Janeiro. Una joven pareja ejemplar, dedicada a construir una sociedad menos violenta y más solidaria.
por ell@s, por tod@s....
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
fallen hypocrisy veil
In the words of an african journalist:
What's in a name?
"I hear that there are oil militants in the Niger Delta who are marginally different from rebels in Darfur, and different still from the Islamist insurgents over in Somalia, while in Uganda there is an army claiming to represent the Lord, and that is different still from local defence militia in parts of Central Africa.
So what exactly is the difference between insurgents, militants and rebels?
Not much, according to the history tomes on my bookshelf, except ideologies.
For once upon a time someone somewhere was once someone else's bandit or terrorist or insurgent or militant or criminal.
Then the war veteran rebel insurgents may even have stepped up to become leaders of countries and presidents of great republics.
And those thorny words with which they were once labelled were filed away neatly in the drawer labelled "For Future Use Against Those Who Will Challenge Me".
And sure enough, after a while, that drawer will be opened, the words picked from their mouldy state and flung with great purpose at journalists, human rights workers and even bandits.
I have come to accept the notion that the great upheavals in governance and ethnic conflicts that we witness from time to time are really just names being thrown about by those in power against those seeking it.
But far more insidious are those groups of people with no definitive ideology, whose aims are not so clear, but whose actions can wreck entire generations by the viciousness of their blood-letting.
'They must go back to their country, they are taking our jobs' are words far more frightening than the slogans of a jungle madman"
In any case, and what's even more depressing is the same reality in so called democratic states where we come from. Our reluctance and resistance to accept 'our' or at least our nation's involvement in some horrendous business, to the point of complicity with those 'insurgents/ rebels/ terrorists'. Our standard of living contributes to the horrors we read about and our hypocrisy veil furthers the notion of that 'poor black african' vs 'us' in such a charitable but poisonous relationship.
Monday, 1 June 2009
que gane el quiero la guerra del puedo
mi sister, que tambien tiene un blog, puso esto hace poco; no se si es un poema, una cancion, un baile o los tres pero me parece bien y me gustaria dedicarselo a alguien a quien tambien quiero mucho, a quien por circunstancias y partes de caracter (a cambiar totalmente) hice danho y a quien me gustaria dedicar las lineas que siguen
Que el calendario no venga con prisas...
que gane el quiero la guerra del puedo...
que los que esperan no cuenten las horas...
que el fin del mundo te pille bailando..
que el escenario te tiña las canas..
Que nunca sepas ni como ni cuando ni ciento volando, ni ayer ni mañana
que el corazón no se pase de moda
que los otoños te doren la piel..
que todas las noches sean noches de boda
que todas las lunas sean lunas de mil